The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic has sickened more than 2,10,300 people in at least 145 countries and over 9,000 people have died, more than half of them outside China, where the epidemic first began in the city of Wuhan.
There are at least 195 active reported cases of the novel coronavirus in India right now. The Union Health Ministry has said that 15 people have recovered so far, but four have died. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his address to the nation today, appealed citizens to show ‘resolve and patience’ to tide over the crisis. He has called for ‘Janata curfew’ on March 22 to contain the spread of coronavirus and also the Indian Government have request all Majors Sectors to take Preventive Measurements to safe themselves.

SuperBotics VS Covid – 19
We SuperBotics MultiTech always care our employees and with the outbreak thats happening around us, we ensure the safety of our employees.
In the Due time of Corona Outbreak in China, we started taking precautions at our company, Our Intial Step was we gave Hand Wash, Mask and Medical Kits to our Employees. And further notice to spread of corona in India, These are the Following Steps we took to preech our employees,
- We gave Awareness Program to our Employees on How to safe yourself from Covid – 19 by Dr. Suresh, Director of Ramakrishna Hospital, Virudhunagar on March 9th 2020
- We gave Hand Wash, Masks and Medical Kits to all our Employees and advised to use in a right way
- We also gave a short counciling on DO & Dont’s on Corona Safety and Wearing Masks
- We also made sure about the cleanliness and neatness in office environment
- We splited the distance between each and each employee by minimum 5ft a part as it was very advisable
- We stopped running air conditioners as it was corona’s cup of tea, and we made sure that the office environment is provided with proper ventillation
- We had several Board Meeting with the Management & Clients and General Meeting with Team Leads and made a strong decision to Gave work from home for 70% of the employees with proper internet connections
- We also reduced the Total working hours for the rest 30% who came to office and they were montiored regularly

How SuperBotics Recommends Our Employees to Protect Themselves and Others
Practice frequent hand washing. Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol based hand run. Wash hands even if they are visibly clean Cover your nose and mouth with handkerchief/tissue while sneezing and coughing Throw used tissues into closed bins immediately after use See a doctor if you feel unwell ( fever, difficult breathing and cough ). Avoid Partcipating in large gatherings
Have a close contact with anyone, if you’re experiencing cough and fever Split in public Touch your stomach, eyes, nose and mouth
SuperBotics Message on Wearing Mask

When to Wear a Mask ?
Everyone NEED NOT WEAR a mask!
Only wear a mask if
- You have symptoms ( Cough, fever or difficulty in breathing )
- You are caring for a COVID-19 suspect/confirmed patient
- You are a health-worker attending to patients with respiratory symptoms
While wearing a mask, make sure you:
- Unfold the pleats of the mask; make sure that they are facing down
- Place the mask over your nose, mouth and chin and ensure there are no gaps on either side of the mask, adjust to fit.
- Avoid touching the mask, while using it.
- Do not leave the mask hanging from the neck.
- Chnage the mask after six hours or as soon as they become wet.
- Never resure disposable masks and dispose the used masks into closed bins after disinfecting them.
- Do not touch the potentially contaminated outer surface of the mask, while removing it.
- After removal of mask, clean your hands with soap and water or use alchohol-based hand rub disinfectant.